Natural Protection Spray - Area
Instructions for use
Ready for use, spray undiluted in the enclosure, on the walls, in the cracks, and even in the nests; efficiency up to 20 m²
For external use only; avoid contact with eyes
Animals are allowed to stay in the pen during treatment
Repeat if necessary
Maximum effect in combination with Natural Protection Powder – Oral
Overview article references
201075 500ML
Natural Protection Spray - Area
Aromatic environmental spray to support a healthy living environment. Provides a fresh scent and a hygienic, sanitary dovecote. Completely natural and can be applied perfectly on and around the pigeon.
The presence of poultry red mites in the dovecote has harmful consequences: the stress, irritation, and blood loss will cause the pigeon to underperform and be more susceptible to infections and diseases. The treatment of the pigeon’s environment with this highly aromatic spray has a repellent effect on such parasites. An infestation of poultry red mites is best combated by good dovecote hygiene, on the one hand, and a combined use of both food supplements and pesticides, on the other.
Instructions for use
Ready for use, spray undiluted in the enclosure, on the walls, in the cracks, and even in the nests; efficiency up to 20 m²
For external use only; avoid contact with eyes
Animals are allowed to stay in the pen during treatment
Repeat if necessary
Maximum effect in combination with Natural Protection Powder – Oral
Overview article references
201075 500ML