Image Natural Kleinzaad

Natural Small Seeds

A mixture of plate millet, linseed, rapeseed, clipped oats rice, hempseed* and canary seed

Instructions for use

A small tea-spoonful of small seeds per day per pigeon during the racing season will enhance the condition of the pigeons and their resistance to temperature variations.

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100517765 1,5 KG

Natural Small Seeds

A mixture of plate millet, linseed, rapeseed, clipped oats rice, hempseed* and canary seed

We are convinced that small seeds, when given in moderation, play a role in safeguarding their form.

Some pigeon fanciers claim that small seeds overstimulate pigeons and therefore tend to shorten the period in which they remain in top form for races.

We are convinced, on the contrary, that small seeds, when given in moderation, play a role in safeguarding their form since they constitute an energizing nutrient supplement capable of developing form in several respects.

If after their morning and evening training sessions, the widowers discover a pinch of small seeds in their nest box, they will develop the habit of returning more rapidly.

*where hempseed is allowed.

Instructions for use

A small tea-spoonful of small seeds per day per pigeon during the racing season will enhance the condition of the pigeons and their resistance to temperature variations.

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100517765 1,5 KG

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2900 Schoten, België

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